Dark Side of the Moon

When I walk, I walk alone; The tenders of my feet caress these rough barren lands each night,and from what I knowmy tears, sometimes, water them; I doubt if they are fond of me,if they appreciate my presence,or, if they can’t stand me, can they? Do they despise watching me invade their previously unwavering abandonment?Do…


What is hiding in the shadows?Who is this demon? How have I not crossed paths with it yet? I have been lurking around in this darkness since the dawn of this moonless night.Who is this ghoul that managed to save itself from my quest? Has my search been hasty? Have I missed some corners? I…

Stagheads and Castles…

Fires, when left burning, can bring the greenest forests down. Tangerines hanging in the air, wringing the fiery crimson out of lives, devouring upon the beauty, leaving behind corpses; what a shame? Fires that can warm hearts, feed hunger, chase the dark away, can also cause an apocalypse when lit by the hands that are…

Sometimes I wonder…

Sometimes I wonder if the leaves have stopped rustling with you not being around. Did you take the wind away or is it just the silence you left behind? Flowers have wilted down, and those standing have lost their charm. Did you crush them under your spiteful steps or is it just the love you…

Should You?

Have you ever paused just for the sake of it? You know, standing still on an old path, in the midst of a swarm… rushing through life just like you.You find yourself greeting a strange kind of silence in that one moment. A silence, almost too magnetic for you to ever wish for a breakthrough. …

You will heal…

Glass boxes don't sing lore to the warriors of freedom when the skies fall and the waters rise. But, skies don't fall and waters don't rise in vain; they sob in vile. There are a number of things that may conjure disdain into this world, but no other blade yearns to be struck with thunder…


Our history has known cages; Of all kinds and characters. The one with bars of gold And the others with floors of dirt. The ones which held the innocent And the others which freed the ghouls. But not very often, When you walk through the pages Of your own history, You land up Imprisoned. Imprisoned…

i have felt alone.

Often, in life, you spend your lazy Sunday afternoons staring at the ceiling and missing… Someone. Something. Everything. These are the times when you can't help but fall down an abyss of old and dusted picture albums. The pages turn so fast that this show seems like an unending retro movie titled, "All the times…


Your song is a choir of rushed strokes of black hollow paint on a white anxious canvas dangling free. Free. From a lone nail on a brick wall standing old behind the house of your dreams. You bury the dead behind it. They rise up as demons on starry nights and throw an embrace around…

Burns and Ashes

Black and burnt hearts fall down to ashes when you aim at them with the cupid's arrow. If that doesn't scare you enough against love stories gone rogue, then you may want to grab a glimpse of the poison spat rose pressed in the old and worn pages of a happy love story. Heartbreaks are…